
суббота, 28 мая 2011 г.

Schoolboys in the service of Microsoft

It had to do Sony with George Hotze - give him a job as a specialist security services, but not carry his to the courts for breaking the PlayStation 3. Maybe services PlayStation Network, along with Sony's website would not have been attacked by an unknown hacker. Sony, for this you less!
Microsoft reported that she decided to start work with 14-year-old Irishschoolboy, who hunted the machinations with the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. From the words of the Director of Irish division of Microsoft, theydecided to "develop and direct his talent in the right direction. "
Young hacker can only congratulate you. His name is, unfortunately, were not disclosed.


14 комментариев:

  1. Kids, they grow up so fast.. :'(, LMAO. Kidding ;)

  2. this blog is very good mmmm

  3. Yup, kids do control that industry.

  4. Good, awesome to see a kid using hacking for their own betterment, rather than destruction.

  5. i feel like in 10 years kids will be the new crazy hackers as they get their hands on new resources!
